Polygon Hardfork [17-01-2023]: improving the network fees & more

An upcoming hardfork on the Polygon network is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 17th of January.

As a validator on the Polygon network, we want to ensure that our community is aware of the changes and the reasons behind them. In short: this is good news! :partying_face:

The hardfork aims to provide better user experience by addressing two major concerns: reorgs and gas spikes during high demand. Reorgs, which are a result of the consensus mechanism used in the Polygon PoS Mainnet, have been a cause for concern among DApp developers. The hardfork aims to mitigate this issue by reducing the sprint length from the current 64 blocks to 16 blocks, which will help in reducing the frequency and depth of reorgs.

In addition, the hardfork will also address the issue of gas spikes during high demand. We have seen huge gas spikes due to rapid increase in the base fee during high demand, and the hardfork will smoothen the change in base fee by changing the BaseFeeChangeDenominator from 8 to 16.

As a validator on the Polygon network, we believe that these changes will significantly improve the user experience and will benefit our community.